Craig Nydegger
I currently reside in West Jordan, UT, with my wife Kelli of 16 yrs (I was a month shy of my 42nd B-day, isn't there some kind of prize for that?) and our 17 yr old daughter, Rylee. We moved here 1-1-07 because of my wife's job transfer(UPS Management). Myself I did construction for about 16 yrs, 7 in Portland, OR, a short stint in Elko, then back to Boise, more const. and 3 yrs at MK Rail. Got an AAS in electronics in 94, worked for SCP Global Tech and Kimco Design before the move. Worked 2 yrs as head R&D Lab Tech in Salt Lake before company got bought out and everybody canned. My main hobby is playing softball, about 33 yrs, so far, even won a National Championship in 09 down in Phoenix. I'll play long as my health lets me. We all miss Idaho - the people, the huckleberry picking, the vibe, just everything and will return. Even though we are all getter grayer and more wrinkly keep this in mind, we're all on the right side of the grass. Thanks to all for the effort in putting this on, I, however, am unable to participate in the festivities. Hope to make the next one (not 40 yrs from now).