Loretta Ernest (Morgner)
Hello to everyone from Loretta Morgner Ernest,
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion. I've been busy over the last nearly 40 years trying to heal everyone as have been an RN since age 19. A lot happened in 1973, graduation from BSC, marriage, & moving to the small farm town of Yuma, CO where I started working in hospital, home health, & nursing home, & back to home health (my favorite). I have never been bored as the medical field continues to change. My greatest trip recently (2010) has been 3 1/2 weeks in Zimbabwe in Southern Africa. Because my son married a girl from there ( met while a Marine in Embassy there) all 3 of my kids & myself got to see amazing things & had the best tour guides who were my son's in-laws. We got to see & do things most people never get to do. Before this, most trips were back to Meridian to see family & friends. I have traveled to see my grown "kids" in various places in the US, & have done some traveling with my oldest sister since my husband isn't much for traveling ( Besides, who would take care of our pets?) We are expecting our first grandchild in mid July, so hope baby is born on time so I can see all of you. UPDATE: I'm a grandma of a baby boy born on July10th so will be driving to Boise for reunion (Blake Alan Ernest). See you there!