Michael Jones
Michael Jones
Question 2
MHS gave me a basic education that allowed me to enter college and be successful in the academic arena there.
Question 1
Near the end of our senior year I wore a blond shoulder length wig and Russell Loveland introduced me as his cousin, Cleone Miltonson.
Question 3
Question 4
I am grateful to have five wonderful children and 15 grandchildren.
Question 5
Interacting with my grandchildren and seeing them accepting values and ideals to govern their lives that will bring them happiness.
Question 7
Mrs. Rausch introduced me to chemistry and while I struggled with it in high school I came to enjoy it in college. She tried to understand my struggles with chemistry. I felt respected by her eventhough I wasn't at the top of her class. I have fond memories of many of our teachers. For the most part they had our best interests at heart.
Question 6
Love, honesty, respect, and interest in others makes for a happy life.
Nyle Farmer
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Steve Marineau
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Paul Nixon
Question 2
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Tim Donahue
Question 2
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Bill Gale
Question 2
good freind and good memories
Question 1
kids hung by there ankles from an engine hoist
Question 3
most of it
Question 4
5 kids and 6 grandkids
Question 5
marketing natural grass fed beef and going to our cabin in upper Imnaha
Question 7
Lois Mclean Johm Mundt by great people
Question 6
life is short don't take it too serious
Kathy Drury-Bogle
Question 2
My love of music was reinforced at Meridian High School.
Question 1
Graduation skip day.
Question 3
Turning desks around in a classroom so that we weren't facing the teacher.
Question 4
Of course, children! They are successful and bringing up lovely families of their own.
Question 5
Great home, loving spouse and I have an interesting career I love and flexibility to live my life and travel.
Question 7
Mr. Ron VanOrder inspired me to sing and be in musicals.
Question 6
Don't sweat the small stuff and most of what happens is small stuff.
Tom Ferguson
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Myrna Cunningham
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Steve Endecott
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Karla Mitchell
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Rita Grossmann
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Duane Holladay
Question 2
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Russell Loveland
Question 2
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Connie Porter
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John Potter
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Ona Smith
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Tom Stadler
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Lewis Waner
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Claude Potts
Question 2
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Diana Welker
Diana Welker
Question 2
Social and Education
Loretta Ernest
Question 2
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Diane Getrum
Question 2
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Tom Bieber
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Stanley Porritt
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Dru Morgan
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George Mowrey
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Sheryl Hess
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Lorenzo Spencer
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Julia Langley
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Connie Popp
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Mike Moody
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Susan Moyle
Question 2
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Stanley Porritt
Stan Porritt
Question 7
Ormer Friky
jerome payne
Margy Boston
Question 2
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Doug Freeborg
Doug Freeborg
Question 2
Desire to get out of school and start life.
Question 1
Getting my car towed for parking in the wrong area.
Question 3
Drag racing.
Question 4
Thirty eight years with the same company.
Question 5
Retirement. Rock crawling in the Jeep and traveling with the wife.
Question 7
Brent Algers because I gave him such a bad time in school
Question 6
Follow your dreams.
Tom Cheney
Question 2
Great friends, confidence, expanded horizons
Question 1
Setting Steve Meffords coat on fire during "Oklahoma"
Question 3
guns in my car
Question 4
5 children, 18 grandchildren, Business development in Russia, China and Latin America
Question 5
Family, church, gardening, motorcycle
Question 7
Can't remember his name, but taught physics and coached football and baseball
Question 6
Don't take yourself too seriously. Much of the joy is in the journey, not the destination.
Tom Cheney
Question 2
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Question 6
Jerold Dougal
Jerold Dougal
Question 2
It was a great place to grow-up.
Question 1
Someone placed a portable toilet on the front entrance canopy.
Question 3
Question 4
My family and my work
Question 5
My dear wife and the success of my children. I have also been blessed with a profession that I have enjoyed greatly.
Question 7
Question 6
Whatever success or failures you experienced in high school mean nothing. Life really begins when it's over.
Bug (Sharon) Walker
Question 2
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LuAnne Reeves
Question 2
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Tom Ferguson
Question 2
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Robin Campbell
Question 2
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Jerold Dougal
Question 2
Meridian High School gave me a very good basic education. I will always be grateful to those teachers who helped me to learn. Also, the Meridian area was a place that was filled with good people, many who were my friends and helped me as I grew-up. No matter where I live, Meridian will always be “home” and its people will always be “my people”.
Question 1
Coming to school one morning and seeing a portable toilet on top of the main entry canopy over the front door.
Question 3
I don't recall doing anything really bad. However, one of the blessings of being older is that you forget certain things you really don’t want to remember, so who knows?
Question 4
Debbie and I have been married for over 36 years and she is still the bride of my youth. Our oldest son, Brian is a Part-Owner and Manager of an automobile repair facility; LTS Motors in Boise, Idaho. Our second son, Brent is a Patent Attorney in Irvine, California. Our daughter Rebecca’s husband just graduated from Law School and will be working in Nevada as an attorney. All three of our children are married to wonderful spouses and they have blessed us with 12 grandchildren.
Question 5
I have been very fortunate to have been able to work in a profession that I am proud of and have really enjoyed. I was twelve years old when I discovered Architecture in the “A” book of the World Book encyclopedia and it turned out to be a great profession for me. You can follow my work at the following link:
Question 7
I believe that the teacher was Judith Cooper. She was a young woman who taught a Remedial English class in my junior year. I had a history of struggling with English and she helped me to understand it better than any teacher before. Due to her diligence with me, my ACT scores where such that I was able to skip the first semester of college English. I also appreciate Milton Nielsen, the shop teacher. He introduced me to Drafting and Architecture and encouraged me to do things that I had a talent for. They were teachers that really made a difference and I will always appreciate them.
Question 6
We all find that there are some talents we do not have and skills that are just too difficult. Most people seem to concentrate on these deficiencies and as a consequence develop a poor self-concept. I suggest that one of the ways we can succeed is to concentrate on those talents and skills we have and to improve upon them. Forget about the things you can’t do and focus on those you can. This allows us to discover that there are things you can actually do better anyone else. Make this your life’s work or profession and you will succeed!
Robert Hunter
Bob Hunter
Question 2
Good friends and a modest level of academic direction.
Question 1
Getting busted for junior skip day.
Question 3
Most of them.
Question 4
Editor of daily newspaper in Medford, OR. Wife Lynne, married 33 years. Two boys: One son in law school after working in intelligence for 5 years (including year in Iraq); second son is an analyst with an investment consulting firm. Both very successful and great guys.
Question 5
Our boys.
Question 7
Only one I can remember is Mrs. laPorte.
Question 6
Nothing is more important than your family.
Loretta Ernest
Loretta Morgner Ernest
Question 2
I made lifelong friends, & got a good education.
Question 1
I can't think of any.
Question 3
I brought a water GUN to school close to the last day one year. Mr Hiner took it away & stomped on it.
Question 4
I love nursing, but as with most, my main goal in life was to become a mother & I was very fortunate to have healthy children who have now grown up into loving, delightful adults. They have good jobs & are hard workers which they learned from my husband & myself. Trips back east to see the fall colors, & going out of my safe haven & flying to South Africa for my first trip across the ocean & going out of my comfort zone.
Question 5
I am content with what I have, my God, my family, friends, & health. I am happy just working in my yard & watching my flowers grow. I love the small town I live in.
Question 7
I had a lot of good teachers, but Mr. Van Order made class the most fun, playing piano by ear, & the musicals we were in were a great learning experience & bonded us together with all the practises. Math was my worst subject, but it wasn't for my lack of trying.
Question 6
Try to learn something new every day. Be content with what you have & where God has placed you in this world.
Loretta Ernest
Question 2
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Bridget Watson
Question 2
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Sally Peterson
Question 2
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Robin Campbell
Robin Campbell
Steve Marineau
Steve Marineau
Question 2
Not Much
Question 1
Winning the best looking legs contest.
Question 3
Question 4
32 years as an electrician.
Question 5
My grandkids.
Question 7
Ron VanOrder took me in to keepe from dropping out.
Question 6
Do not take life too seriously.
John Sturgis
John M. Sturgis
Question 2
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Cynthia York
Question 2
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LuAnne Reeves
LuAnne Reeves (Gillen)
Question 2
great memories
Question 1
no comment
Question 3
Talking way to much to freinds
Question 4
My husband of 27 years my children LuCas ,Amanda ,grandchild Dallas and traveling once a year with my Mom and sisters.
Question 5
Family and friends and living in Texas for 15 years and that great southern hospitality.
Question 7
Hal Hatch because he was also my neighbor who liked to play pranks on us.
Question 6
Don,t take life for granted and have fun along the way.
Mary Vincent
Question 2
The beginning of my education.
Question 1
Question 4
My job was raising my family. I raised three children and I have taken care of five of my seven grandchildren. I thinks that is a pretty good success.
Question 5
I enjoy quilting, gardening and being with my family
Question 7
Mr. Claxton. He liked to tell stories, made the hour go by faster!!
Question 6
When you are in school there are certain groups that think they are great and little better than you are, but after school is out and life goes on you learn they are no different than you are, they just thought they were!
Doug Freeborg
Doug Freeborg
Question 2
Desire to get out of school and start life.
Question 1
Getting my car towed for parking in the wrong area.
Question 3
Drag racing.
Question 4
Thirty eight years with the same company.
Question 5
Retirement. Rock crawling in the Jeep and traveling with the wife.
Question 7
Brent Algers because I gave him such a bad time in school
Question 6
Follow your dreams.
Mary Vincent
Question 2
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Question 6
Cynthia York
Cynthia York
Sheila Myers
Question 2
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Hal Parks
Question 2
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Joseph Papenfuss
Question 2
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Sherry J Blake Thomas
Question 2
Office Skills
Question 1
no memories
Question 3
Question 4
1 grown boy, 1 grown girl
Question 5
staying sober
Question 7
Mrs. Plant
Question 6
take one day at a time
Cherie Howard
Question 2
MHS was a positive influence on my life. I respected the teachers and the education they provided. I'm also glad we had the basketball and football games to go to for fun. I have enjoyed watching our kids and grandkids play sports and kinda know what is going on!
Question 1
Debbie Walters and I wore the tunic outfits we made in Home Ec the last day of school our sophomore year. We were sent home to change our clothes before we could get checked out of school for the summer!
Question 3
I have to go with the mini skirts and hot pants.
Question 4
Ron and I will celebrate our 40th wedding ann'y this Oct. 10th. We have a son and a daughter that live close by. They have given us 5 grandkids. Keith has twin girls and Rochelle has 1 boy and 2 girls.
Question 5
Besides family, I have really enjoyed working at my sister and bro-in-law's music stores since 1986. Helping a child pick out a musical instrument and seeing them progress thru their school years has been a very rewarding experience for me.
Question 7
Mrs Harion (Home Ec) and Mr Hatch because you could tell they enjoyed what they were doing.
Question 6
Stop and smell the roses!
Diana Welker
Diana Welker
Question 2
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Stacy Boston
Question 2
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Elaine Phillips
Question 2
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Gail Wenger
Gail Wenger (Burt)
Question 2
A great learning experience all-around.
Question 1
Can't recall.
Question 3
Leaving the Basketball games to go on dates.
Question 4
My greatest success has been my family.
Question 5
I enjoy spending time with my grandkids, sewing, doing crafts, and the company of good friends.
Question 7
Miss Hudson, (Home Economics) because she encouraged my craft and my independence.
Question 6
In life, I have learned that money and material things are not the most important things.
Debbie Brashier
Debbie Brashier (Luke)
Question 2
It gave me a glimpse of who I was and to pursue those opportunities that opened up for me.
Question 1
I think it is so weird that our class song is "Born to be Wild"!
Question 3
Well, there was a squirt gun incident that my good friend Sheila and I got caught at. We did get in trouble as we sat in the principal's office and Mr. Turnbull smiled at us the whole time. Today I'm sure that the likes of a squirt gun would get you kicked out of school.
Question 4
I'd have to say that in spite of ourselves, our greatest success is our children. We are so proud of them; they have been such a gift and blessing to us.
Question 5
What I most enjoy in my life today are our precious grandkids. (Now I know why they call it being a grandparent, it is GRAND!) We are long distant grandparents so we try to come up with creative ways to share our lives with them and when we are with them we cherish each moment together.
Question 7
I would have to say that there were two favorite teachers of mine at Meridian High; Beverly Hendry who encouraged my love for sports and Ron Van Order who helped develop my love for music.
Question 6
Isaiah 30:21 says, Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, "This is the way; walk in it".
Sheryl Hess
Sheryl Oliver-Hess
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Well, actually nothing compared to what some kids do these days!
Question 4
My children and grandchildren, most definitely.
Question 5
Question 7
Well, I wouldn't say favorite, but most memorable would be Mr. Kimbrell, biology.
Question 6
To stay in touch with all friends, and let them know how important they are and have been in your life.
Question 2
My education, social life, My best friends are still the kids I hung out with in High School.
Question 1
The very first Earth day. Coming to school and finding a VW bug on the roof of the school.
Question 3
Bringing a shotgun in the back of the car so we could go phesant shooting after school.
Question 4
I had to quit my dream job to take care of my mother-in-law; I was designing 12x12 scrapbook pages and laser logos for a company called "The Stamping Station". When my husband and I were traveling thur Iowa, we stopped at one of the stores that had bought a lot of my stuff. They made me feel like a celebrity. And of course my family.
Question 5
I am very blessed. I love my life. None of my kids have ever given any problems or reason to dout the jugement. My husband is the best. I teach a cooking class once a month the is a joy to do. And I am a Cub Master for Pack 355. I love being a part of the Scouting program.
Question 7
Miss Luke. I really enjoyed learning the root of words and studing song lryic as poems. It was so cool.
Question 6
Live today like it was your last. NO ONE has a guarantee on tomorrow.
Gae Burton
Question 2
An enhanced appreciation for music, and I gained invaluable skills that helped me get a job with Boise Cascade which I held for 30+ years.
Question 1
Gary Clancy riding his horse into the school building.
Question 4
Working as a secretary for 35+ years and eventually as personal secretary to the CEO of Boise Cascade. My husband and I have had 38 blissful years of marriage and have two children. Rachel is 39 years old and lives in Ohio with her family. She has 5 children. The oldest graduated from high school this year, and the youngest is 1-1/2 years old. Our son, Nathan, lives in Milwaukie, Oregon and is an architect with a well-known firm in downtown Portland. He has a wife and two children. We spend a lot of time traveling to see both children. We feel very blessed to both be retired at this point in our lives. The last 3 winters, we have spent increasingly more time in Mesa, Arizona, where we take our fifth-wheel RV. Last winter, we spent 5 months there and plan to go back again next winter. We enjoy traveling in our RV and hope to do more in the years to come. We have had the opportunity to travel to a number of "exotic" locations in the Caribbean and Hawaii and also took a cruise to Alaska.
Question 5
Music is still a big part of my life. I play the piano at our church and sing in the choir. I'm also a member of a chorale when wintering in Arizona. I play the piano and sing in that group. I also enjoy having connections with many friends and family members and maintaining those relationships. I became a Christian after marrying my husband, and knowing Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior has made a huge difference in my life. It gives me great hope for the future despite the dismal news reports we hear today!
Question 7
I have two favorite teachers. Mr. VanOrder and Mrs. Plant for reasons already mentioned.
Question 6
Don't sweat the small stuff. Life's too short!
Gail Wenger
Gail Wenger (Burt)
Erika Barker
Question 2
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Dean Langley
Question 2
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Dean Langley
Dean Langley
Question 2
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Question 6
Robert Hunter
Bob Hunter
Question 2
Good friends and a modest level of academic direction.
Question 1
Getting busted for junior skip day.
Question 3
Most of them.
Question 4
Editor of daily newspaper in Medford, OR. Wife Lynne, married 33 years. Two boys: One son in law school after working in intelligence for 5 years (including year in Iraq); second son is an analyst with an investment consulting firm. Both very successful and great guys.
Question 5
Our boys.
Question 7
Only one I can remember is Mrs. laPorte.
Question 6
Nothing is more important than your family.
Robert Hunter
Bob Hunter
Question 2
Good friends and a modest level of academic direction.
Question 1
Getting busted for junior skip day.
Question 3
Most of them.
Question 4
Editor of daily newspaper in Medford, OR. Wife Lynne, married 33 years. Two boys: One son in law school after working in intelligence for 5 years (including year in Iraq); second son is an analyst with an investment consulting firm. Both very successful and great guys.
Question 5
Our boys.
Question 7
Only one I can remember is Mrs. laPorte.
Question 6
Nothing is more important than your family.
Pam Hardy
Pam Hardy
Question 2
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Question 6
Phil Smithhart
Question 4
Serving in the US Army for 20+ years
Gary Sedlacek
Question 2
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Question 6
Keith Taylor
Question 2
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Rocky Davis
Question 2
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Rhonda Noble
Rhonda Noble (Thurston)
Question 2
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Question 6
Eugene Hansen
Eugene Hansen
Question 2
It was a very good school with teachers that really cared. The teachers were some of the best people I have known, I owe them a lot.
Question 1
Mr. Fricke's Aeronautics class, when we flew the planes we made. Nobody knew what was going to happen when you let the plane go. Some went into the ground, some went in circles, and some actually flew.
Question 3
We were pretty good kids, and we didn't have all the distractions that kids today have.
Question 4
Greatest Success, senior resident engineer for Arizona DOT over the construction of the Loop 101/I17 freeway to freeway interchange in north Phoenix. This was 4 years of my life.
Question 5
Travelling to National Parks and photographing the landscape.
Question 7
Two, Mr. Alger and Mr Helgeson, both very good people.
Question 6
The last few years have been tough. However, I have found that when you are at your lowest points in life, trust that God will give you what you need to get through the tough times, as long as you ask pray for it. I have always been amazed how when I have asked God for help, I have been taken care of.
Randy Hieter
Randy Hieter
Question 2
I developed some good friendships in high school that have carried forward to today.
Question 1
I remember this one classmate, his last name was Flock. I thought he was a flock of geese. He was always into aliens. He could have been an unidentified fried object. I don't know. Ha-Ha. And then there was this time when Dave Briscoe and I were driving down the road with his sister and she pointed out the car window and said "Hey!" and everybody said "What?". She said "Hey!" again, and everybody said "What?". Then she pointed to a hay bale.
Question 3
My morbid sense of humor. I did get in trouble with some of the teachers back then. Mr. Grey made me make up graffiti sayings on the blackboard for the rest of the year, and sometimes it had to relate to our lessons, or to what was in the news for that day.
Question 4
My greatest success are my children.
Question 5
My greatest passion cannot be printed!
Question 7
Didn't really have a favorite - I liked most of them. Of course, most of us guys like Miss Luke. :)
Question 6
If I had enough wisdom, I should have more wisdom teeth. LOL
Carol Schoenheinz
Carol Schoenheinz/Dubkowski
Question 2
We were more from families of rural area. Had strong family and moral values.
Question 1
Walking the halls when only about a third of the classmates were present during the week of the Hong Kong flu January 1969.
Question 3
None, we had strict parents.
Question 4
Fulfillment in marriage and raising a family.
Question 5
Serving and helping others.
Question 7
Mr. Claxton, his humor and side tracking Government with his football stories. He made us read the newspaper everyday and would quiz us on it. To this day when I read a newspaper I read it thoroughly.
Question 6
Striving to be thankful and content in whatever I do.
Sharolyn Ririe
Sharolyn Waite Ririe
Question 2
A wealth of wonderful memories of fun times and friends!
Question 1
Weirdest or actually most embarassing! I was showing Mr. Van Order a new baton twirling trick I had learned for performing with the band, and I fell flat on the ground in front of him!
Question 3
Wearing those short short skirts on game days!
Question 4
my kids are my greatest success and greatest passion both. They are the light of my life!
Question 5
I just enjoy being with family most of all.
Question 7
I really liked Mr. Van Order because he gave me so many opportunities and built my confidence, and he was so enthusiastic about everything he did - really shared his passion for music!
Question 6
Things that seem "earth-shattering" NOW, aren't so big LATER.
Craig Taylor
Craig Taylor
Question 2
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Question 6
Tom Ferguson
Tom Ferguson
Question 2
After living and going to school in Boise until my freshman yr, it was great to suddenly find myself living in farm country. So many of the classmates seemed so down to earth, and it gave me a real appreciation for life outside the city.
Question 1
I guess it was when we were Juniors. Had P.E. with coach Brooks. One day in the shower room 3 of the seniors started tossing a couple of the juniors out the back door of the shower room naked, in full view of the Freshman Annex across the way. The door was locked from the outside, so the naked guys had to run around to the end of the weight room to get back in. They grabbed me and I started swinging. By then the guys that had been tossed out had made it back in and told coach Brooks. He showed up just in time to keep me from getting pounded into the floor, then tossed out the door.
Question 3
The time several of us high-jacked a full keg of beer out the back door of the Black Cat Inn for a kegger, while the bar was open.
Question 4
I guess my greatest success has been the simple goal to live and work in the wide open spaces and not be stuck in suburbia. For 10 yrs I was a licensed back-country hunting, fishing and wilderness pack trip guide, and also a licensed white water river guide on 10 of Idaho's rivers. 20 yrs of fighting wild-land fires followed, both as an engine Captain for the Forest Service and also as a private contractor with a tactical tender with foam. Worked at Bogus basin 16 winters and started the first horse back trail rides outfitting business there. Have lived on 2 different foothills cattle ranches pretty much the whole time, for 30 yrs.
Question 5
My greatest passion is to live in peace and harmony with mother nature. It's not always peaceful, everything seems to get eaten by something else in the long run, but it beats arguing with neighbors 30 ft. away.
Question 7
Mr. Brown. While what he taught was math, he's the teacher that got me interested in History. His stories of his bombing missions over Europe, eventually leading to his being shot down, captured by the Germans, and spending the rest of the war in a P.O.W camp were fascinating to me. Whenever we didn't want to do math, all we had to do was get him going on his war stories.
Question 6
Nothing stays the same forever, not even the mountains. After watching them burn bare for 20 yrs, I realized even they change over time.
Danny Smith
Danny Smith
Question 2
Ever lasting friends.
Question 1
The outhouse on the front entry of the highschool.
Question 3
Taking my guns to school.
Question 4
Owner of Mr. Appliance of Southwest Idaho. Three great children. Traveled to Bermuda, Cuba, New Zealand, Antarica, as well as a good part of the USA.
Question 5
Riding my horses and spending time in the open country.
Question 7
Marvin Stokes
Question 6
Enjoy every moment of life, for we do not know when it will be our last.
Debbie Brashier
Debbie Brashier (Luke)
Question 2
It gave me a glimpse of who I was and to pursue those opportunities that opened up for me.
Question 1
I think it is so weird that our class song is "Born to be Wild"!
Question 3
Well, there was a squirt gun incident that my good friend Sheila and I got caught at. We did get in trouble as we sat in the principal's office and Mr. Turnbull smiled at us the whole time. Today I'm sure that the likes of a squirt gun would get you kicked out of school.
Question 4
I'd have to say that in spite of ourselves, our greatest success is our children. We are so proud of them; they have been such a gift and blessing to us.
Question 5
What I most enjoy in my life today are our precious grandkids. (Now I know why they call it being a grandparent, it is GRAND!) We are long distant grandparents so we try to come up with creative ways to share our lives with them and when we are with them we cherish each moment together.
Question 7
I would have to say that there were two favorite teachers of mine at Meridian High; Beverly Hendry who encouraged my love for sports and Ron Van Order who helped develop my love for music.
Question 6
Isaiah 30:21 says, Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, "This is the way; walk in it".
Mike Young
Mike Young
Question 2
Good friends.
Question 1
The dress code.
Question 3
Might get caught today.
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Anita Yoder
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Mike Lee
Mike Lee
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Raising our kids.
Question 5
Family and friends.
Question 7
Mr Lowe.
Question 6
Don't pass up opportunities to spend time with your kids and grandkids.
Debby (Deborah) Longenecker
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Patricia Jones (Buck)
Question 2
A base of knowledge and friends
Question 1
Miss Williams (need I say more?)
Question 3
Playing tennis til dark
Question 4
My eight children are my greatest success. Secondly would be going back to college and graduating in 2000 with a Health Science Degree. I also went to an 18 month massage therapy school and also graduated from there in 2000. That is my current profession.
Question 5
watching my children and grandchildren's accomplishments and spending time with my husband and family
Question 7
Mr. VanOrder because of his passion for his job and us. He instiled in me a greater love of music and the arts.
Question 6
If you're not living on the edge, you are taking up too much space.
Cathy McCrea
Cathy Kling McCrea
Question 2
A good education--gave me what I needed to do well at college. I don't think dissecting frogs brought me great future success!
Question 1
Coming down the main hallway to see my car roof sitting right outside the double doors at the end. How embarrasing. I don't know how those boys carried my little Toyota up there. But I had to go around, get in and back it off the sidewalk.
Question 3
Mr. Helgeson didn't think much of my attitude toward him in Alg. II and invited me to not take any more math classes! My (what I thought were) sneaky remarks about him, got me in trouble then, and I was mortified when he talked to me.
Question 4
My greatest success is raising two grown fully-functioning adult boys. They and their families bring me great joy in my life, along with my wonderful husband who has put up with me for over 38 years.
Question 5
My passion is to love God with all my heart, soul, and mind.
Question 7
Ron VanOrder--I loved choir at Meridian. Ron brought so much fun and passion to his music. We had a great time during our musical rehearsals and performances and I went on to a career in choir because of it.
Question 6
I'm still trying to learn some wisdom, trying to learn to listen better to others.
Maurice Gray
Maurice Gray
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
I owned my own gravel truck business, living in Las Vegas for a few years. I am now driving school bus and doing some farming on the side. I am married, I have a daughter, a son in law and 2 young grandsons.
Question 5
Car racing, farming, spending time outdoors.
Question 7
Question 6
Deborah Holstead
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Irene Cheney
Question 2
I met the love of my life.
Question 1
Question 3
I'm afraid I was too boring so I can't think of anything.
Question 4
Our sons.
Question 5
Spending time with my family.
Question 7
Question 6
Listen to others.
Marletta Romero
Marletta White Romero
Question 2
Made me Strong.
Question 1
Outhouse on the Roof.
Question 3
I was always in trouble!
Question 4
Raising 3 childern putting them through college and taking them to Europe.
Question 5
Living in McCall and my Better Half!
Question 7
Mr Hopkins, nice guy.
Question 6
We are all the same, but different!
Ronald Watson
Ron & Bridget Watson
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Phil Smithhart
Phil Smithhart
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Serving 20 yrs in US Army.
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Joining the military was the best thing i ever did. So many places, so many different jobs. Life throws alot of curves some good some bad.
Mickey Smith
Mickey Smith
Question 2
Simple values.
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Ben Shelton
Ben Shelton
Question 2
My wife.
Question 1
Putting an outhouse on the roof of the school and calling it the home of the Borah Lions.
Question 3
Putting an outhouse on the roof of the school.
Question 4
My 6 chidren and how they are now raising their children.
Question 5
Spending time with my family.
Question 7
Mrs. LaPorte - I liked French and Drama and it enabled me to get out of a lot of classes.
Question 6
In my youth I walked on the wild side, but after I found the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS, my life has been a wonderful experience filled with family and friends. I never looked back.
Dave Pulliam
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Claude Potts
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Patrick Pethtel
Patrick T. Pethtel
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Family, children and grandchildren.
Question 5
Every day, family, friends, new friends.
Question 7
Doug Hopkins/John Claxon.
Question 6
Jerome Payne
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Dave Orcutt
Dave Orcutt
Question 2
The 3 Rs.
Question 1
That was too long ago.
Question 3
I decked Jimmy Hiath for putting a 4 in. long bugger on my letterman jacket, one day after lunch. Some things you just can't brush off.
Question 4
To own and opperate my bussiness with my family. To see my son making better decisions than I would make.
Question 5
Flying, constructing full sized aircraft from scratch.
Question 7
Mr. Lowe.
Question 6
Craig Nydegger
Craig Nydegger
Question 2
Better than a GED.
Question 1
Hiding from the cops in Danny Powells Chevy in a garage across the street from school after being chased for speeding.
Question 3
You name it.
Question 4
My daughter and raising her.
Question 5
Travel, softball, learning something new constantly, or try to.
Question 7
Sherri Luke, I was her aide senior year.
Question 6
Sieze the day
Paul Nixon
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
William Mowrey
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Driving 110 mph in my 62 Impala.
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Dru Morgan
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Steven Mengel
Steve Mengel
Question 2
Traditional values, good education and an appreciation for outdoors.
Question 1
Skipping class and getting caught in a snowstorm and sinking Tom Ferguson's Chevy in the mud up to its axles.
Question 3
Myself and friends would bring our shotguns to school so we could hunt pheasants and ducks on the way home after school.
Question 4
Having the love and support of my wife and children.
Question 5
I really enjoy salmon fishing and waterfowl hunting in the northwest.
Question 7
Mr. Brown-Math- I was his student aide and he was very professional and fair.
Question 6
I've learned the benefits of tolerance in new enviroments and situations.
Steve Mallard
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Terry (Theresa) Dorris
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Jan Sherfick
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Sally Peterson
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Ron Luke
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Michael Lolley
Michael Lolley
Question 2
A sound education.
Question 1
Being the first freshman class in high school.
Question 3
I was always in trouble.
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Miss Luke.
Question 6
Common sense and logic is key to life.
Jackie Law-Conrad
Jackie Law Conrad
Question 2
Wonderful friends and memories.
Question 1
Clogging up the toliet with one of my nylons I accidently flushed down while changing to play powerpuff football! What a mess!
Question 3
Where do I begin?
Question 4
I've been blessed with many experiences in my life, but being a mother has to trump anything good or praiseworthy I've ever done! As I watch my own children being parents to their children I realize all those sleepless nights of worry and concern has paid off big time as they are great parents to their children! And so it goes on like the Lyon King says, "the circle of life".
Question 5
Family is my greatest passion. I'm fortunate to still be in love with a man who treats me like I'm the beat all end all of women! I love serving in my community and even more so in my church! Life is good!
Question 7
Hal Hatch! He kept his cool even when I was side swiping the underpass wall in Nampa during drivers training!
Question 6
Faith can help you endure anything and everything!
Gae Burton
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Laura Labrum
Laura Koegler Labrum
Question 2
Graduating from Meridian High School has kept me 'grounded' and 'centered' in a great group of people.
Question 1
Question 3
Driving too fast.
Question 4
Family and marriage.
Question 5
Family and marriage AND camping or hunting and fishing.
Question 7
McLin, I thought he liked me as a person, I felt that most of the teachers didn't really like me.
Question 6
Be friendly and interested in people.
Terrell Jarrett
Terrell L. Jarrett
Question 2
I got through and graduated.
Question 1
Was there any??
Question 3
Skip school, skip assembly.
Question 4
My job working for Port operations at Bangor for the US Navy.
Question 5
I get to retire in 4 years.
Question 7
I don't remember.
Question 6
Don't drink and drive.
C Hill
C Hill
Question 2
General education.
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Sonja Eisenbarth
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Yvonne Radabaugh
Yvonne Radabaugh
Question 2
Lasting memories.
Question 1
Question 3
Almost everything I did then.
Question 4
I am manager of a Kings store, who knew I would be good at sales?
Question 5
My greatest passions are my husband, children, grandchildren and great granddaughter!
Question 7
Question 6
Compassion..our greatest gift.
Bill Gale
Bill Gale
Question 2
Good friends.
Question 1
Watching Larry Abbott swim he was great in the water.
Question 3
Most of them.
Question 4
5 great kids and I am still a farmer.
Question 5
Hunting with great friends (Lee Rice) and my brother.
Question 7
Louis Maclean fun stories.
Question 6
Life is short don't take it to serious.
Anita Yoder
Anita Fugal Yoder
Question 2
A good foundation.
Question 1
One day, after I hadn't been home in a while, I drove past my old house on the chicken farm and saw that it was gone. Just a few minutes later I drove past the high school and it was gone. I had no idea it had burned down or that my house had been removed. It felt as though a big piece of my life was wiped out in one day. Fortunately the structures don't hold the memories. They are in my heart and it is still intact.
Question 3
Who, me, get in trouble? NEVER.
Question 4
Living life well, raising a bunch of great kids and now being able to make a difference by the work I do in the prison.
Question 5
My greatest passion is my family life.
Question 7
You expect me to remember that far back?
Question 6
I have learned it is better to act than react. In other words, if you can look in the mirror and know who you are and you are true to who you are and what you believe, there is no reason to let other peoples actions cause you to sway from that integrity. You will then not be easily offended or influenced to partake of gossip or negative behaviors that others may try to inflict on you. It is easier then to be less judgmental and more forgiving.
Joe Frost
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Drew Eggers
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Nancy Young
Nancy Young
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
My family.
Question 7
Mrs Rausch, she put up with my nonsence after school.
Question 6
Steve Cope
Steve Cope
Question 2
Great foundation for developing many skills.
Question 1
Up with People concerts.
Question 3
Quite a bit of behavior then would be frowned on today.
Question 4
I'm the most proud of raising 4 really good kids and having a damn fine time doing it.
Question 5
I still like to laugh everyday,and can still make people laugh when I want to.
Question 7
Elmore Brooks, Doug Hopkins.
Question 6
My most significant positive life changes came about because of very minor (at the time) decisions.
Dixie Cook
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Anthony Conner
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Sharon Luke.
Question 6
Donn Clark
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Dave Cheney
Dave Cheney
Question 2
Created a foundation to build upon.
Question 1
The Outhouse up on the roof.
Question 3
We used to bring our shotguns to school so we could do a little duck hunting after football practice.
Question 4
My family - my lovely wife Irene, we celebrated our 39th anniversary this year. Our sons, Chris & Doug.
Question 5
Sharing the adventure of every stage of life with Irene.
Question 7
John Mundt & Wes Lowe - they both believed in you and inspired you to achieve your full potential.
Question 6
Patricia Jones
Patricia Jones (Buck)
Question 2
A base of knowledge and friends.
Question 1
Miss Williams (need I say more)?
Question 3
Playing tennis til dark.
Question 4
My greatest success is raising eight beautiful and successful children who love God and this great country.
Question 5
Watching my children and grandchildren's accomplishments and spending time with my husband and family. I also still love to play tennis and the piano.
Question 7
Mr. VanOrder because of his passion for his job and us. He instiled in me a greater love of music and the arts.
Question 6
If you're not living on the edge, you are taking up too much space.
Charlie Bryan
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Pam Larsen
Pam Larsen
Question 2
At Meridian High I got wonderful friendships, great memories and an education that prepared me for the future.
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
I have a wonderful job teaching students Algebra. What a great way to spend the day!
Question 5
I have 11 grandchildren and I love doing things with them and my own children. Family is what it is all about.
Question 7
Mr. Brown.
Question 6
Clay Brown
Clay Brown
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
I have been employed for over 40 years and never been unemployed. I have 4 children, 10 grand children and one great-grandchild.
Question 5
Travel all over the world.
Question 7
Mr. VanOrder. I loved being in the school bands, I was in all of them.
Question 6
Work hard, play excessively.
David Briscoe
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Maureen Brett
Question 2
Lifelong friends.
Question 1
Some of the people.
Question 3
Question 4
Of course me chillin. They continue to make my life unusual.
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Kenny Bowers
Kenny Bowers
Question 2
An education, in more ways than one!
Question 1
Question 3
No idea, I was an Angel!
Question 4
I have been with Meridian Fire Department for almost 40 years!
Question 5
My family.
Question 7
Mr. Alger because he got me out of Geometry
Question 6
Don't play with fire and when in doubt, spin 'em out!
Sherry Thomas
Sherry J Blake Thomas
Question 2
H.S. diploma.
Question 1
Deon's handwriting analysis.
Question 3
Question 4
Living this long!
Question 5
Peace and sobriety.
Question 7
Mrs. Plant.
Question 6
Take One Day at a Time, because that is all we really have!
Nancy Lukas
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Virginia Greathouse
Virginia (Austin) Greathouse
Question 2
Education, Good friends, Happy memories, Good activities.
Question 1
I dated a young man from New York names Jim Edwards for a short time. Several years later he was living in Hawaii and met and married my brother-in-law's sister!! I know it's a small world, but that was just wierd!!
Question 3
Probably carrying my scissors for sewing class around in my backpack.
Question 4
My greatest success? My kids!! I have 2 daughters that are biologically mine, and 3 sons that I acquired in my 2nd marriage that I forget are not mine biologically. I am so proud of each one of them and love them so much! I did have a great job when I had a career, and I have been able to travel some, but my family is my greatest joy. I really miss my kids that are not close by.
Question 5
I enjoy my family. I enjoy the parties, the fun, the visits, the love, the support, and just living life with them. It's hard to be away from any of them because I love to have deep relationships with all of them. I'm part of a great family and wonderful friends.
Question 7
Mr. Hatch was for sure one of my favorites. He was funny, patient, and he didn't freak out when I almost craxhed the car by taking a corner too fast in Driver's Ed!!
Question 6
Be thankful for what you have, and don't dwell on what you don't have. Then find someone else to help.
Cynthia Dayton
Cynthia Austin Dayton
Question 2
Dear lifelong friends.
Question 1
Question 3
Wearing mini skirts!
Question 4
My 5 children, our mission work in India.
Question 5
Grandbabies, travel.
Question 7
Mrs. Haroian, she seemed to have it all together.
Question 6
Don't worry, the road smooths out with time. God is good!
Kathy Drury-Bogle
Kathy Drury-Bogle
Question 2
Question 1
Outhouse on the roof. To make fun of the Borah Lions, I think.
Question 3
I remember all the controversy over whether we could wear pant suits to school which was silly to me because mini-skirts were so short and revealing. Pants had to be better.
Question 4
The finest work I have ever done is raising wonderful and successful children.
Question 5
Successful career in consulting after an early retirement and the ability to travel.
Question 7
Ron VanOrder who saw in me the ability to sing and act.
Question 6
Don't sweat the small stuff - and it's all small stuff!
Robert Hunter
Bob Hunter
Question 2
Good friends and a modest level of academic direction.
Question 1
Getting busted for junior skip day.
Question 3
Most of them.
Question 4
Editor of daily newspaper in Medford, OR. Wife Lynne, married 33 years. Two boys: One son in law school after working in intelligence for 5 years (including year in Iraq); second son is an analyst with an investment consulting firm. Both very successful and great guys.
Question 5
Our boys.
Question 7
Only one I can remember is Mrs. laPorte.
Question 6
Nothing is more important than your family.
Bug (Sharon) Walker
Bug Leighton Walker
Question 2
Seriously? That was a long time ago. I still have nightmares that I can't find my class. I think high school scarred me for life!
Question 1
Nothing weird.
Question 3
Probably putting the out house on top of the school. The other incident I am still not willing to admit.
Question 4
My greatest success is my family. I've been blessed with great kids. We have taken them to all the states in the nation, and made wonderful memories. We started an assisted living franchise business 25 years ago. We now have 150 homes across the nation.
Question 5
My greatest passion is my family.
Question 7
I can't even remember his name. He was a began with an M. Mr. Mesner? Messersmith? I just know that if I wanted out of a class I would go to his office and visit for the remainder of the period, and he would sign a pass for me.
Question 6
If you're looking for the bad, you will find it. If you're looking for the good, you will find it.
Jerry Hicks
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Don Erwin
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Sharon Walker
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Question 7
Mrs. Plant; 120 wpm Shorthand Cert.
Sharon Walker
Sharon Walker Schmierer
Question 2
Gave me a good start to life
Question 1
The outhouse on top of the school Senior Year
Question 3
I am much better behaved now
Question 4
Being married 35 years and raising 4 responsible loving sons
Question 5
Question 7
Mrs. Plant - she prepared me for the workplace
Question 6
Things are not always as they appear
david orcutt
Cherie Howard
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Dru Morgan
Dru Morgan
Question 2
A diploma
Question 1
Maybe NO memory
Question 3
wear pants?
Question 4
opening my own business
Question 5
my pets
Question 7
don't remember
Question 6
don't overspend or drink
Dru Morgan
Dru Morgan
Question 2
A diploma
Question 1
Maybe NO memory
Question 3
wear pants?
Question 4
opening my own business
Question 5
my pets
Question 7
don't remember
Question 6
don't overspend or drink
Robert Porter
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Sam Raby
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
,I have been a taxidermist and have owned my own studio for over 33 full time years. Have done some traveling. The farthest bein Namibia Africa. Have a 5th wheel, and try to go as often as possible. Have 5 grand kids. Maybe say more later.
Question 5
,I like the freedom of doing what I want, when I want. (which isn't really very often) But just being out and enjoying nature at its best. Just look around us,,,, It is a beautiful place in Utah, Idaho, and the surrounding western states.
Question 7
Question 6
,Take every day as if it were your last. Keep your head high, and never let life pass you by, time lost will never be back.
Rita Grossmann
Question 2
Freedom to speak my mind
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Daughter PhD and our travel all over the world with my husband's teaching jobs
Question 5
gardening, building and travel
Question 7
hard to say...
Question 6
Travel really does open up your mind to the world. My Palestinian friends opened my mind while we lived in the Middle East and my European friends have opened my mind to a whole new way of looking at the world.
Veldon Law
Veldon Law
Question 2
It provided plenty of memories some which even evoke melancholy in this ole boy. They are sufficient to last lifetime and are the basis for many of the values I hold and decisions I make today.
Question 1
It was the outhouse placed on the roof of the entrance to the school.
Question 3
Can I blame not answering this one on the faulty memories of age?
Question 4
Seeing my children grow up, overcome challenges and succeed while humbly acknowledging and sharing what they have been blessed with their family and others.
Question 5
The beauty of the world...really. The mountains, rivers, and outdoors and trying to capture what only God can create with a camera. That experience is almost anticlimatic to the joy of feeling the wind blowing through my hair and the wide open spaces enjoyed while riding my "scooter" to get to that spot of heaven on earth.
Question 7
Coach Brooks - he could crush the baseball!
Question 6
If, "ifs" and "buts" were candy and nuts - oh what a Merry Christmas we'd have.
Phil Smithhart
Phillip Smithhart
Question 4
proudly serving in the U.S. Army for 20 yrs
Mary Ottens
Mary (Davis) Ottens ,Mary (Davis) Ottens
Question 2
A small town school was a good launching point to go out in the world and explore
Question 1
When the class of 1969 filled Mr. Claxton's classroom with newspapers as a tribute to his weekly current events quizzes
Question 3
The same ones that would have gotten me in trouble then if caught in the act
Question 4
Raising two sons, working at a job I enjoy (most of the time), finding a life partner with a sense of humor who has been willing to put up with my moods for almost 30 years
Question 5
Family and friends, travel, the arts, literature
Question 7
Mrs. Boles (art, freshman year only). She was a bit of a hippie and played Sargent Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band on a reel-to-reel tape player every day in class until we were all sick of it.
Question 6
Life is what you make it.
Lloyd Harbert
Lloyd Harbert
Question 2
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 6
Rita Grossmann
Grossmann(Gillispie) Rita
Question 4
Travel! I love travelling and we have done a lot. Now that our daughter has completed her PhD in Japan and will be starting work at an oceanographic research institute on Okinawa, I believe I will get in a few more interesting trips in the coming years. Our last trip to Japan was just lovely and the people there so nice that I am looking forward to this.
David Briscoe
David Briscoe
Question 2
good friends
Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
old cars
Question 7
Question 6
Dennis Walters
Dennis Walters
Question 2
A "fantastic" jump-start into Life's mainstream!
Question 1
Seeing a "porta-potty" on top of the school building!
Question 3
Filling the air full of bubbles during our graduation ceremonies, just like the Lawrence Welk Show.
Question 4
Using my MHS Education, enabled me to live & work 1/2 way around the world. It's a toss-up between a Piper Aircraft Inspector or being a supervisor for the Southern Co constructing Cross-Country Powerlines, (*high voltage passing thru my body seemed to turn me on!!) GOD has blessed us with (3) wonderful children; twin boys, one a Minister of the Gospel-the other a Dance/TV star, plus a beautiful daughter who is an Economist/Financier & recently made us that's success!
Question 5
GOD is great! He gives second chances, thirds & fourths as well! I'm not only a Viet Nam survivor but a Melanoma Tumor *(spinal cord) survivor.
Question 7
Mr W.W. Godfrey....he busted me for teaching the girls, *(S. M. & D. L.) how to drive, using the Drivers Ed car. Since I already knew how to drive, W.W. didn't kick me out of the class!
Question 6
Never be the first to volunteer for anything....let it be asked of you and then deliver with enthusiasm.

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