Debby (Deborah) Longenecker (Urwin)
We live in Boise, Idaho and have been married 40 years. We have 3 grown children, Matthew, Rebekah, and Sarah. Matthew lives in Florida with his family, we have 2 precious granddaughters with our son and daughter-inlaw. Rebekah lives here with her family, we have 3 active grandsons with our daughter. They keep us very busy as we get to help her with them everyday. Sarah lives in Oregon and loves traveling. David is near retiring, he could have a while back, but was not ready.

We are busy making some fun improvements on our little abode. We are always busy it seems, but that is great with us as we don't get bored. I retired a few years back from my business to help our daughter with her 3 active boys. We are active in our church at Heritage Bible and love helping our there. Love studying God's Word to hear what He is telling us. Love to study Biblical Apologetics, Theology and Creation in Genesis. Yardening is one of my favorite hobbies, then crafting, stamping, sewing, painting! We love taking walks and will be doing some traveling once David is retired. Our life has been blest and we thank God for everyday He has given us!

Not sure we will be in attendance as we have had prior plans, but we will see what we can work out! Blessing All!
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