Sharolyn Ririe (Waite)
Wow, 40 years!! I have really enjoyed reading the profiles on the website so far and hope that more of you enter yours before we are finished. I graduated from BYU in 1974 with a bachelor's in Interior design, but ended up going back to school for a teaching certificate when I became a single mom in 1987. . . it worked better for still mothering my four children. I married my husband Warren in 1994 and we have adopted four beautiful daughters from China. He had three children of his own, so now we have 11 between us - 22 grandchildren - which keeps us very busy. Our girls still at home competitively dance, participate in soccer, performing choir, and all play the piano, so I am still a mom constantly driving around in my minivan!! I have a preschool of 19 students in my home and love teaching those 4-year-olds! We spend our "free" time building a cabin in Crouch, where we love to spend as much time as possible. Have enjoyed talking to some of you as we gathered information for this reunion and look forward to seeing those of you who can make it.