Pam Hardy (Truden)
40 years - it really doesn't seem possible. I wish I were as smart as I was at 18. Somehow age gives one a different perspective on things.
I've lived in Portland, OR for the last 32 years. I met my husband, Chuck, while I was a student at the U of I. After graduating, we married and I joined him in Montana. From there we moved to Portland. I never did really get into the career thing. When our children were young (3 sons and I daughter), I enjoyed being at home with them. Now I work as a paraprofessional with English Second Language students at the elementary level. The daily contact with students from numerous cultures is a great fit for me. Plus I get to witness the English language development of our two grandsons who live nearby. My latest in an attempt to always be learning something new, is trying to upgrade my computer skills. Its not coming easily.
Since I won't make it to the reunion, I really appreciate all the entries in the Guestbook.