Anita Yoder (Fugal)
I am happy to be back in Idaho after living in Pendleton, OR for the past 22 years. In January I was able to transfer from the Prison in Pendleton to Snake River Correction Institution, in Ontario, in order to get back home. I do Mental Health work at the prison, which is quite interesting and defintely has it's moments. Finally, my homesickness is cured, living in New Plymouth. At the 30 year reunion you knew me as Anita Booth. That changed five years ago when I married my wonderful husband, Roman Yoder. He is semi-retired and looking for a part or full time job in this area. Between us, we have 14 children and 36 grandchildren and we are loving every moment of the challenges and fun of a big family. Our youngest daughter graduated from high school, last year, and is working on a nursing degree. Our other children are spread across the nation from Florida to California. Unfortunately, only half of them live in the West. Life has been good. I have had little to complain about and few regrets. I hope all of you have been that fortunate, as well.
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