Patricia Jones (Buck)
I feel such amazing gratitude as I think of my school years and the time and conditions that I was born in. It is indeed rare to have gone through all 12 grades of school with so many of you. I treasure the friendships and memories that were made and the good friends that I still have the pleasure of associating with today. Thanks to all of you for helping to shape my life.
As with everyone my life has been full with ups and downs, joys and sorrows, blessing and trials, but mostly positives or at least I have chosen to remember those more.
After graduation I attended Boise State for a year and then married and became a Carlson. Over the course of 20 years we had eight beautiful children; two boys and six girls. During that time I started and operated three successful businesses which brought me great joy, second only to my children. The marriage ended peaceably after 20 years and I entered college life again at Boise State and graduated in 2000 with a Health Science Degree. During this time I also attended "The Wellspring"; an eighteen month massage therapy school here in Boise. I love the work and have made a living at it for the last 12 years. I married again in 2001 to Steven Jones, a Boise native and here is where we continue to live happily ever after as we enjoy our 14 plus grandchildren.
As I look through the yearbook and read about you on the website, my heart is filled with such great love for each of you that played such a vital role in my early years. Those who I played tennis with and enjoyed music and drill team and baton and those special seminary buddies are sweet and precious memories to me. I look forward to seeing you all at this reunion and many more to come.
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