Virginia Greathouse (Austin)
This is going to be wonderful to see everyone again and get reaquainted. It has already been fun just calling for the updated information on some of our classmates and getting to visit with them. Hope everyone can make it :)

After high school, I attended Hollywood Beauty College in Boise and graduated with my Cosmetology license. I worked in that business for a few years, and used that profession to work my way through college. I attended what is now BYU-I (formerly Ricks College) in Rexburg, Idaho, and then transfered down to Provo, UT and attended BYU there in the Business Program.

In 1974, I decided to move back home to Meridian where I worked as a reception/secretary for Boise Cascade Homes. (Boy, that shows how old I am since that business has been gone from its location on Franklin Rd. for many years.)

In 1976, I left the comfort of my home in our small town and went on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints over in Sweden. It was wonderful and I was gone for 18 months.

I came home and returned to BYU Provo and married my boyfriend from before my mission. Unfortunately, we were better friends than we were spouses, and that marriage ended in divorce. I returned to college and received my Bachelor's degree in Business Management while working as a contract administrator for an aerospace company in Salt Lake City, UT.

In 1987, I remarried and inherited my 3 sons and had 2 daughters with that husband. Sadly, he died of cancer in 2002.

Having not had much luck at keeping a husband, I decided I wouldn't try it again. But along came my sweetheart, Steve, and I am very happily married once more.

I love my family and enjoy living life with them as well as the wonderful friends I have. I've enjoyed talking to many of you already, and look forward to renewing many freindships of yester-year.
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