Charlie Bryan
Since I only went to MHS my senior year, I don't know as many in the class as most of you and two of my best friends, Mel Ultis and Dave Baker have already left us. I do get to see Ron Van Order, the MHS choir / band teacher, every Sunday in Meridian and he is still as great as ever! My best memory of the year is being talked into participating in Oklahoma that Ron directed. I got to be good friends with Ray Mittleider during the production and we continued to hang out when he went to BSU before he passed away. My second best memory is Drew Eggers asking every day if I had any news from my dad in Eric Helgeson's math analysis class (my dad was a pilot flying in Viet Nam our whole senior year).

I graduated from BSU in Geology & Business and then got to fly jets in the Air Force in Arizona but since the war was over I just protected Arizona from California and New Mexico. After an early out of USAF, I worked for the Idaho Dept of Water Resources for four years then went to Spokane working for the Federal Land Bank (now Farm Credit Services). After 20+ years as a banker / appraiser, I now have a dream job with the bank UBS as a Director and Vice President of their northwest region buying and managing farms.

I am married to an Idaho girl, Quinét (Shoemaker), and we have three beautiful children and one beautiful grandson. Hobbies are golf, skiing, sailing, motorcycles and babysitting Harvey. Looking forward to seeing and meeting everyone!
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