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Clay Brown
I left for Air Force basic training 2 days after graduation and served for 9 years. I was trained as an electronics calibration and repair technician in Denver and was stationed at Mountain Home AFB for 3 years after completing school. I did a tour in Thailand during that time in support of the Vietnam effort. In 1975 I went to Bitburg AB in Germany. I left the military in 1980 and went to Berlin as a Civil Service emplyee. I left Berlin in 1983 to work at the Air Force Academy in Colorado. I went from there to Lowry AFB in Denver for a short while and returned to Berlin until the wall came down and returned to the AF Academy. During the time in Europe i did a lot of traveling and enjoyed it very much. I have been in Colorado since 1993 and it looks like this is where I will stay. i still travel as much as possible, it seems to help with the wanderlust I seem to have. Who knows what may come next, just got to go with the flow.